
Production Journal #3 Website

I did the prototype for the website in photoshop and Dreamweaver since my coding ability has really rusty.

The website itself was quite simple: the title is cropped from a screenshot from the footage. I was having a hard time to come up with a name of this project, and all the sudden this frame hit me. I think "Always Watching" sounds like an appropriate title for a horror movie.

For the navigation bar, I used the default font from photoshop. During the meeting, Liz suggested me using a hand-written font instead of the default fonts.

And the website is not responsive as I intend it to be.

So during spring break, I made some modification.
I started another website from the scratch. This time I choice to code everything from the beginning.

I took Liz's suggestion and re-did the entire navigation bat. I hand-written and scaned each button, photoshopped them into png images with a transparent background.

I forgot to change the quality of the images when I first did it. So each button is bout 1 MB big. I realized this when reading an unrealized online post about how to make the navigation bar responsive. So I change it right afterwards.

It took me a while to figure out how to make the page responsive.
There' are still some issues with the responsive. I think I'll arrange a meeting with a COMP faculty to discuss how to perfect the web page.

